Kim and I were born the same year President Kennedy was assassinated. So, look up the year if you can't remember and do the math. This is a big birthday year for both of us. She gets there a little quicker than me; a fact that I will rub in for about three months.
On family birthdays I like to do a top ten list. I list ten reasons I love the person. For Kim, ten would never be enough. The list is endless, but you have to get on with your day, so I will stick to ten.
Number 10
I loved her from the moment I met her. She didn't, but she came to her senses in short order. I'm still blown away that she said yes.
Number 9
When we first got married, we lived in Florida. She gave me one of the funniest memories of our life together. While getting ready for work, she had an close encounter with a Palmetto bug. Ask her about it...still cracks me up!
Number 8
Compassion. When God moves Kim's heart for a person or cause, her whole being goes into it...emotion, energy, passion, sweat and tears...everything! And I promise, if you are anywhere close, you will find yourself buying in as well!
Number 7
Kim taught me to love the color white! (and clean... and quiet... and green olives...) Not kidding, I'm all in.
Number 6
If you're old enough, you remember a commercial about Shake and Bake. The kid brags to daddy, "It's Shake and Bake, and I helped! That's how I feel about our kids...they are great because of Kim. She put every ounce of her being into parenting. They're great because of her, and I helped.
Number 5
Nothing causes Kim labor pains (besides three children) like decorating. When she is about to hang pictures on a wall or add a new look to a room, watch out. When she puts an idea on the wall, I have learned not to get too's going to change five times before we get to the destination.
Number 4
Kim has a unique relationship with each of our kids. I love watching the way she makes each relationship special and meaningful.
Number 3
My wife is also my closest ministry partner. You might think that is typical for a pastor. In my experience, it is much less typical than you might imagine.
Number 2
Kim has taught the world that Gary Chapman was wrong, there are not Five Languages of Love, but six...the sixth being FOOD!
Number 1
There is literally no other person in the universe with whom I have more in common. I never dreamed I could have that, or that it was even possible without one person or the other becoming a doormat. Our life together is a dream come true, a dream I look forward to sharing for a lifetime.
Happy Birthday Kim... Know this, I will always love you.