We started a new feature in church a few weeks back.
Sermons are not interactive by design. A really good sermon answers some questions and raises some as well.
We wanted to provide a way to ask questions and have them answered on the spot.
Our solution? The Five Minute Follow Up
Twitter users send us questions and include #askdmp in their tweet. Through our presentation software, ProPresenter, we can project the questions on the screen.
Pretty cool!
Three challenges have surfaced:
Not everyone tweets.
For non-tweeters we offer a phone number for texts, and if over 50, we honor your advanced years by letting you toss a paper airplane to the stage.
Not enough time to answer
We're getting a healthy number of questions every Sunday, but only provide five minutes to cover them. We have more questions than we have time.
Not enough time to think
Some questions require further research, or at least more thinking time between the end of the message and the start of the Follow Up.
We plan to provide a solution to challenges #2 and #3 right here.
During the week we'll post answers to questions that we didn't address in church.
So text, tweet and toss those airplanes.
We'll get started next week.