No two fasts are alike.
No two fasters are alike.
Ok, maybe some are, but hopefully you get the point.
In prior posts I have been relaying the way I am experiencing this fast. It has been emotional, intense, and meaningful. It was just the kick-start my walk with God needed! It's been a real difference maker.
You may be reading what I'm writing about my experiences and thinking, "That's not me!" You have not felt deep emotion. You may be feeling great has been a hard slog, or maybe it feels so smooth you wonder if you made it hard enough. As you read my experiences, and they do not parallel your own, you may wonder if you are doing it wrong, or you may wonder what is wrong with Dennis!
Let me repeat:
No two fasts are alike.
No two fasters are alike.
Our fasting journeys are impacted by so many factors: age, stage of life, stage of spiritual growth, current life circumstances, the parenting journey, and so many more.
This twenty-one-day tool is intended to move you from where you are to YOUR next step. Your next step is different than mine. The things I am experiencing will be different. I offer details of my journey as an example, not as the perfect model that you must duplicate.
I feel sure that if you have been taking prayer and fasting seriously, God is doing something significant in you. Can you identify the something?
We are over the half-way mark. Perhaps what you expected or hoped has not happened yet. Be patient, God is not finished with us yet!
Why not take a few moments today to assess. Write it our if it helps. How do you sense this sacred season has impacted you?
Today's Prayer Focus
Pray for you today. Seriously, pray for yourself. Pray about this experience. Ask God to continue His good work in you. Ask Him to reveal, if He desires, what He is up to in you. Beyond that, think of someone else you know who has engaged this journey. Pray that God will use these twenty-one days to move them closer to being like Jesus.
Philippians 1:3-6
Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now. And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.