We are now in the second week of the fast. In multi-day fasts, God takes us through phases that can only be unfolded over days. You will find this to be true in week two. Week two will feel different than the first. Be aware of this dynamic. God has something fresh for you this week, different from the last.
This is a good time to consider adjustments. Reflect on the first week. What worked? What didn't? What went as you expected? What surprised you? The answers unearthed serve as the basis for some adjustments. Maybe your goals were too intense, setting up a cycle of defeat. Reset to something that stretches, but is not a guaranteed failure. Perhaps you aimed too low. We set goals that seemed attainable. Yet, in their attainability there was a lack of stretch. It may be good to ratchet up the intensity of the fast.
You may conclude that all is good. No adjustment is needed. However, if you do need to adjust, the start of week two is a great time to reset.
In this second week we move from introspection to intercession. Are you ready to pray some breakthrough prayers? The time has come to pour out our hearts to God. Some of our prayers will be for something or someone. Other will be against prayers...praying against the forces of darkness. You may want to kneel as you intercede. Bow before God as you make our requests known to Him.
As we intercede, listen. Do you realize that the Spirit is already praying? We get the privilege of joining Him in His intercession to the Father. Look at Romans 8:26-27
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.
The Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God. So today, with great sensitivity, ask God's Spirit to direct your prayers. Here's how it works:
Today's Prayer Focus
Have you ever promised someone you will pray for them? A friend shares a burden and we verbally commit to pray for them. Unfortunately, we do not always follow through on the offer. Instead of promising to pray, tell the person that you will pray for them as God brings them to mind. This is not a cop out. It is relying on the Spirit to guide our prayers. The Bible tells us that the Spirit knows what to pray even when we do not (Romans 8:26-27). So here is today's prayer. Quiet yourself and pray for whomever God brings to mind. Sit with Him and let Him guide you to the person who needs your prayer. As you do, be fascinated by the fact that this prayer did not originate with you. The Spirit was already praying. He called on you to join Him in His mighty work!